Giving Tree
Many of our neighbors have little, often lacking even life’s bare necessities. The Giving Tree offers parishioners the opportunity to meet those needs during the Christmas Season. The work of this seasonal ministry (Advent), which requires some coordination with local charities and parish organizations, entails setting up, maintenance and clean-up of three trees, construction of ornaments, gathering of gifts and, finally, delivery to these charities on two weekends in December.
Good Samaritan Hunger Center
The Good Samaritan Hunger Center provides food to Akron area residents faced with hunger; low-income individuals and families, the homeless, the unemployed, the elderly, the mentally and physically disabled. GSHC is unusual because it is mobile: Hot meals are served and bags of food are handed out at at-risk locations in the Summit County area. Volunteers are needed to serve hot meals and distribute bags of food Monday through Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the various sites.
Operation Rice Bowl
Operation Rice Bowl benefits Catholic Relief Services (CRS). CRS is the right arm of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in giving financial assistance to foreign countries in need and promoting true development in poorer countries. Operation Rice Bowl is a major fundraiser for them and St. Sebastian Parish participates by praying, collecting loose change to give, fasting to be in solidarity with those less fortunate and by learning more about the plight of other countries to be aware of the bigger issues in our world. The children enthusiastically give every year and learn what it means to give generously. In so doing, they themselves receive even more by learning to serve others.
Rockynol Communion Service Ministry
St. Sebastian conduct a Communion Service at 4 p.m. every Monday, except the first Monday, in the Rockynol Chapel. On the first Monday, a priest from St. Sebastian’s says Mass at 4 p.m. Volunteers who don’t conduct the Service are needed to help transport the residents to and from the various living areas at Rockynol to the Communion Service. The time commitment is from about 3:15 p.m. until about 4:45 p.m. on alternating Mondays.
For more information on any of the above ministries, please contact the rectory office at (330) 836-2233 or