Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest for daily and weekend liturgies. Interested boys and girls, grade 5 through high school, must participate in training sessions and periodic refreshers.
Art & Environment
Members plan and prepare the church for liturgical and secular seasons with an appreciation and understanding of Catholic liturgy. Parishioners are welcome to contribute their gifts of designing, decorating, sewing, woodworking or other visual arts.
Cutting Garden for the Sanctuary
The cutting garden was established as a low cost alternative to provide flowers for the church sanctuary. It is located on the south side of the church building on Elmdale Avenue. Volunteers are needed to help with weeding, watering and general maintenance of the garden. Volunteers with some expertise in floral arranging are needed, as well.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
EMHCs distribute the Eucharist under both species for liturgies and special events. Parishioners are nominated by current EMHCs and must be approved by the pastor. Both diocesan and parish training are required. For those seeking more involvement, an EMHC may complete extra training to become a Mass Coordinator, one who oversees the duties of the liturgical ministers at the weekend or holy day liturgies.
General Intercessions
The committee meets to pray, reflect on the Sunday readings and write the Prayers of the Faithful proclaimed at the Sunday liturgies.
These men and women proclaim the Scriptures during the Mass. As the Word is a central element of the liturgy, lectors must be willing to study the readings and proclaim them with understanding. Training is provided.
Memorial of Fresh Flowers
Would you like to remember a loved one, honor our patron saints or brighten the church with flowers from your garden? If so, please contact the rectory and we will be happy to assist you.
The sacristan ministry is in charge of the overall preparation of Liturgical celebrations including Easter and Christmas as well as weddings and funerals. Some responsibilities include preparing the sacred vessels, fresh hosts, wine and candles, light cleaning, watering plants, arranging flowers, sewing when necessary and any other tasks needed.
The ushers’ ministry is one of welcoming and service. Responsibilities include assisting special needs people, distributing and collecting material, etc. Ushers are trained in using a defibrillator. Parishioners of all ages are welcome.
For more information on any of the above ministries, please contact the rectory office at (330) 836-2233 or