HASA, guided by our Catholic faith and traditions, supports the mission of St. Sebastian Parish School by fostering communication, building community and enhancing the educational experiences of the students.

What is HASA?

St. Sebastian Parish School’s Home and School Association, or HASA, is a volunteer body of parents and a teacher representative whose main goal is to provide a bridge between the school administration and our school families.  HASA provides social events throughout the year to bring our students and families together.  HASA supports our school, teachers and staff by providing classroom stipends and supplementing field trip costs and extracurricular activities to enhance our student’s experiences.  HASA also provides two (2) Youth Christian Service Scholarships to graduating 8th Grade students.



HASA Board Members 2024-2025

  • Emily Marks, President
  • Jennifer Dagnall, Vice President
  • Mary Jo Kormushoff, Secretary
  • Angela Morabito-Conrad, Treasurer
  • Molly Burns, Teachers' Rep
  • Anthony Rohr, Principal
  • Fr. John Valencheck, Pastor

HASA Meeting Dates - 2024-25 School Year

  • Thurs 2/20 -- Meeting will be from at 6:00-6:30 PM followed by a technology speaker from at 6:30 - 8:00 pm - Z Hall
  • Weds 4/30 -- 3 pm - 4 pm Forest Lodge

HASA Sponsored Events for 2024-2025: 


  • Father Daughter Dance - Saturday, February 15 


  • Back to School Open House - Sunday, August 25
  • Monster Mash - Thursday, October 24
  • Family Game Night - Friday, January 10


Each family enrolled in the Parish School pays $50 in HASA dues to help cover the various expenses. The dues cover your membership as well as field trip transportation, teacher stipends, student planners for grades K - 8, and more!  Dues are billed through FACTS Management. 

    HASA Meeting Minutes

    No Cost/Big Benefit Fundraisers

    Acme Receipts

    Attention Acme Shoppers! 

    Help St. Sebastian School earn 5% community cash back on eligible purchases.  

    Lands' End

    Purchase uniforms anytime throughout the year using school code 900059098 and the school receives a portion of the purchase price.

    Contact HASA

    You can email HASA at hasa@stsebastian.org .