Annual Appeal
Please consider a gift to the St. Sebastian Parish Foundation during the Christmas Season
Parishioners, school families, alumni, and friends of the parish and school are encouraged to support our parish and school during the holidays with a gift to the St. Sebastian Parish Foundation. Each year, the Foundation sends out a Christmas card featuring images from our beautiful buildings and parish campus. Gifts to the Annual Appeal are a critical source of funding for the Foundation’s Unrestricted Fund, which provides support for the areas of greatest need in the parish. Benefactors may also choose to support one of the Foundation's 85+ funds, scholarships and endowments. The cover of this year's card features one of the stained-glass windows in the servers’ sacristy. The images include the “lavabo,” which is a towel or basin used for the ceremonial washing of the priest’s hands prior to the celebration of Communion, and the “paten,” which servers hold under the host during the reception of Communion.
Annual Appeal Donation Information
To donate online, please click on the "Donate" button below and specify "Annual Appeal" in the message box.
To mail in a gift, please use the envelope included in your Christmas card, or send a check (payable to St. Sebastian Parish Foundation) to:
St. Sebastian Parish Foundation
Attn Annual Appeal
476 Mull Avenue
Akron, Ohio 44320
Please feel free to contact Kathy Holaday if you have any questions. Thank you!
Kathy Holaday
330-836-2233 x113