Father's Bulletin Letter 3.6.22

Greetings, We are now in the thick of Lent. If you have not already decided what spiritual practices to do during this time, it is not too late! If you have already missed the mark, jump back on track. This is our opportunity, with God’s...

Father's Bulletin Letter 2.27.22

Greetings, This coming Wednesday is ASH WEDNESDAY!  NOW is the perfect time to make a plan on how you are going to take on this season and make it work for you. Your parish has a few things to help you with whatever spiritual growth and...

High School Boys Youth Group Begins

The Knights of St. Francis is a youth group for high school boys. It emphasizes the building of masculine virtue through prayer, study, and participation in group activities, games, discussions, etc. Beginning Wednesday, March 9th, 7:15 -...

St. Sebastian Alumni Arrow, Winter 2022

The Winter 2022 issue of Alumni Arrow, the St. Sebastian Parish School alumni newsletter, is now available online at: stsebastian.org/school/alumni-newsletter Featured stories: Mind, Body, Spirit -- and a Puppy!: How Our Parish School...

Father's Bulletin Letter 2-20-22

Greetings, This weekend is Catholic Charities Weekend. Due to a paper shortage, we were not able to get the information from the diocese out to you early. Thank you for your patience and generosity this weekend as we as a Catholic...

Synod Listening Sessions

St. Sebastian Parish will be participating in the Synod! Please Read St. Sebastian Parish will be participating in listening sessions as part of the diocesan synodal process! Synodality means journeying together and gathering in assembly...
