Father's Bulletin Letter 10.4.2024

Oct 04, 2024


Starting this coming Tuesday afternoon, your priests will be out of town for a while. Both of us will be attending the mandatory Priestly Convocations where all the priests of the diocese are expected to come for a few days of talks, prayer and fraternity. We will still have Masses all week thanks to visiting priests. Deacon Ryan Arto will be on hand for
Compline and Benediction on Tuesday night.

Because of the convocation, there will not be confessions on Tuesday night. Fr. Marcelli will be returning on Friday afternoon so he will be here for confessions. I, however, will be heading for South Carolina for my nephew’s wedding so there will only be one priest available for confessions on Friday and Saturday. I will be returning to the parish Monday evening and our schedule should return to normal.


CONGRATULATIONS!: A giant pat on the back for our volunteer Grounds Crew who were once again awarded the Keep Akron Beautiful’s “Beautification Watch Award.” According to the website, “Beautification Watch Awards” are Keep Akron Beautiful’s way of saying “thank you” to residents and businesses who take pride in keeping their properties clean and beautified.

Every July, volunteers drive an assigned route and nominate all of the addresses that they think should win the award. Thank you to KAB and to our volunteers who do so much to keep our grounds so beautiful. Also, thank you to those who work at keeping our food garden and cutting garden so nice. The season is quickly coming to an end! They will be looking for volunteers to help this award winning troupe out again next spring.

OCTOBER COUNTS: This weekend and next, our ushers will walk down the aisles at some point of the Mass to count everybody in the pews. This is a yearly count mandated by the diocese in order to help understand where the diocese is the healthiest and where they should focus resources.

STATE OF THE PARISH: The weekend of October 19 & 20 will be the annual State of the Parish Address at all Masses.

FREE BOOK: Thanks to the generosity of Mr. John Martin, Bishop Robert Barron’s book, “An Introduction to Prayer”, is available for free to all parishioners at the entrances of the church.

GREENHOUSE: The latest news on the greenhouse is that it should be completed by the end of the month. The next steps will be landscaping, but at least the greenhouse itself will be functioning.

FOREST LODGE: Those of you who use Forest Lodge will be glad to know that progress on restoring the hall is moving along. The Nature Stone floor has been removed and the next steps will be putting down a new floor and rebuilding the counters and cabinets. The goal is to have the Lodge back online by the end of the month.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck