Father's Bulletin Letter 11.22.20
Nov 19, 2020
HAPPY (strange as it is) THANKSGIVING! Please note the office hours and Mass time changes for this week:
MASS on Thanksgiving Day will be at 9AM.
The parish offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday.
I hope that you are able to celebrate a this day on which, as a nation, we give thanks to God for all the many blessings that He has given us. What an awesome thing to do.
For many of you it will be an unusual Thanksgiving. There will be people home who would not typically be there at this time and others with whom you will not be gathering because of the current pandemic. The Valenchecks typically get together at the cousin’s house in Cleveland, but this year things will look a bit different for us too. There will be a just a few of us at the rectory along with some orphaned seminarians who will be staying with us during break. Although I will miss the usual gang, there will be an advantage to not having to drive an hour before the post-turkey nap. My bed will be right up the stairs. “I’ll be back down to help with the dishes in an hour.”
Fr. Anthony will be participating in the Akron Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service before heading off with his family. That is why you won’t see him at our Mass.
Remember that if you are uncomfortable attending Mass, we are still live-streaming. There is also the Liturgy of the Hours that you can do on Ibreviary. It is a free app and contains the official prayers of the Church. Whenever the Liturgy of the Hours are prayed, you are praying these prayers with the whole Church even if you seem to be praying them alone.
GOVERNOR: This being written to you on Monday. As of this writing, there has not been any major changes issued by the governor as it concerns coming to Mass. But as we know, that could change. Please keep an extra eye out for the Angelus Letters. This week the letter will be out on Wednesday because of Thanksgiving, but is usually in your Email inbox on Thursdays around noon. If you do not receive this letter or do not have an Email address, you can call the office during office hours to sign up or find out the latest news.
BOOKS: Here is a hinter when looking at the collection of books from Deacon Terry in the Padre Pio Chapel. The books are moved from right to left. The books on the far left pew will be taken away permanently after a week and new ones added to the far right. If there is anything on the far left pew that you want, please take it! The empty boxes under the pews are for your use.
If you can or are of a mind, please consider making a donation to the Deacon Terry Peacock Memorial Scholarship Fund in exchange for the books. Or at least say a prayer for the repose of his soul.
Thank you and God bless,
Fr. Valencheck