Father's Bulletin Letter 11.8.20

Nov 05, 2020


This past Monday I was blessed to meet with Deacon Terry Peacock. I would expect that if it has not already occurred by the time that you are reading this, that you should expect an announcement of his passing. We are in the process of making arrangements with the family and diocese and when the time comes, the information will be sent out to you.

Deacon Terry is currently in Hospice care in his daughter Terry’s home. Fr. Simone and I have visited him a number of times and have brought him the sacraments. The two things he has repeated over and over again is how fortunate he is to have been a part of St. Sebastian and her wonderful people and how much he misses being in the school teaching the young folk.

Currently he is not able to receive visitors nor is he able to communicate on the phone. But your prayers would be greatly appreciated. And pray for his family during this difficult time.


Because of the nature of printed bulletins, this is being written before the results of the election have been decided. So, there is this strange vacuum of writing before hand but knowing that you will be reading this post-election. So, it may seem that there is a bit of a disconnect as this letter will concern itself with typical parish news - well - typical COVID parish news . . .

GREENHOUSE:  The current “greenhouse” located in the courtyard of the school has ceased to be able to be used as a greenhouse and has become more of a storage building. Surrounded as it is by the Junior High School wing, it was no longer ideal as a greenhouse.

Currently I am looking at committing the old greenhouse to being a storage garage (and fixing it up to being so) and am looking into the possibility of constructing a new green house. It is hoped that a new greenhouse would be large enough to accommodate the following:

  • To be a classroom connected to the school garden for educational purposes.
  • To be available to the grounds crew to store plants and winter over bulbs and such.
  • To provide a place for the cutting garden to start flowers.
  • To be a space to store church plants when they are not needed (such as ferns during lent.)

In order to keep costs down it is hoped that there are persons in the parish who could help in some way with this project. Currently I am looking for:

  • A structural engineer
  • An electrician
  • A person (company) that does structural concrete.

Please let me know if you are such a person! Call me at the rectory 330-836-2233.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck