Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Greetings, A Happy & blessed New Year to you! We are especially blessed as New Year’s day is a Holy Day of Obligation this year and we get to attend Mass to honor Mary, Mother of God. How fitting is this feast in a time when so many...

Night at the Races

The St. SEbastian Athletic Booster Club will host their annual Night at the Races on Saturday, February 1st. Ticket information will soon be available.

January Theology on the Rocks

Join us for Theology on the Rocks on Monday, January 20th beginning at 7pm at The Tangier-Bistro Bar. This month's speaker will be Dr. Joel Johnson, Visiting Assistant Professor at Borromeo Seminary speaking on, "The Civil Catholic: How...

International Festival

The 49th Annual International Festival is Saturday, January 11th in Zwisler Hall. This year's festival will begin at 5pm and go until 9pm. Lets of delicious food, games and fabulous entertainment. If you are interested in sponsoring a...

Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Greetings, It’s been great seeing our college students home for the holy days and coming to Mass! It does a pastor’s heart good. Awesome to see you. Welcome home to all those who are in town for Christmas and for those who are visitors may...

Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Greetings, Happy Gaudete Sunday! You will notice that our ever vigilant servers will have lit the rose colored candle today on our advent wreath this weekend leaving only one candle left for next Sunday before Christmas is upon us - and...
