New Adult Formation Program

Missionary Disciple Formation The Church calls all of the faithful to be missionary disciples.  What is a missionary disciple?  How does it affect one’s life?  What does one do?  These, and so many more, questions will be addressed in a...

Explorer Day 2022

Thinking about kindergarten for your preschooler? You and your child are invited to attend an interactive Open House and Explore Kindergarten at St. Sebastian Parish School. Friday, November 18th beginning at 8:15 a.m. During your visit...

Father's Bulletin Letter 8.7.22

Greetings, There is quite a bit of work going on around St. Sebastian Square. There is the inevitable summer painting, repairing and upgrading in the school building. On top of that, all of the hallway floors in the school are being...

Father's Bulletin Letter 7.31.22

Greetings, It is the best of times, it is the worst of times. Late Saturday night I began to feel a bit “off,” with a runny nose. I immediately thought of the priest who sat not far from me at the conference who was hacking away and...
