Father's Bulletin Letter 4.12.20
He is risen!
Indeed He is risen!
A blessed and happy Easter to all of you! And it should be happy because we are a people of joy, hope, trust and resurrection. As G. K. Chesterton said, “Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances...
FORMED is Now Available
The Diocese of Cleveland has made FORMED available for all families in the Diocese for free for a short time. FORMED is a one stop shop for things to read, talks to listen to, or videos to watch. There's something for people of all ages...
April Theology on the Rocks
Food, Fellowship and Faith for Adults
Join us on Monday, April 20th at 7:00 p.m., as we live stream our Guest speaker Fr. Matthew Pfeiffer, Pastor, St. Paul Parish, Akron who will present a talk entitled “Beyond the Veil: An Approach to...
Holy Week Schedule
Monday of Holy Week
· 8AM Livestream Mass - Fr. S
· 9AM to Noon - Palms available
· 8PM Livestream Benediction and Compline (night prayer)
· iBreviary is a free app that has...
Order Easter Flowers
The company that supplies our church with flowers has a glut of inventory this year and so St. Sebastian has teamed up with this local business to find a safe way for you to purchase some...
Palm Sunday Worship Aid
Please click HERE to print or follow along with our Palm Sunday Worship Aid.