We Give Catholic 2022

                                                       By supporting St. Sebastian Parish School on Giving Tuesday, November 29th, you helped make an investment in our parish's Center for Early Learning, which houses classrooms for our ...

Father's Bulletin Letter 11.6.22

Greetings, This weekend is Day Light Saving Time. At 2:00am on Saturday morning we will “fall back” one hour. This is one of last times you will be receiving this biannual reminder. Our nation will no longer be hitting that one hour...

St. Sebastian Alumni Arrow, Fall 2022

The Fall 2022 issue of Alumni Arrow, the St. Sebastian Parish School alumni newsletter, is now available online at: stsebastian.org/school/alumni-newsletter Featured stories: From the Forgotten Cabinet, Part 2: Essays on What Constitutes...

Father's Bulletin Letter 10.30.22

Greetings, This weekend we welcome to our pulpit the Reverend Eric Garris, the new Director of Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Cleveland. On Priesthood Sunday we typically have a seminarian come speak to us, but this year, Fr. Garris...
