Father's Bulletin Letter 11.5.23

Greetings,  This weekend at all of the Masses we will have our yearly State of the Parish Address. Each year I am required to give you an accounting of how we stand as a parish financially. In addition to this weekend’s address, there is...

St. Sebastian Alumni Arrow, Fall 2023

The Fall 2023 issue of Alumni Arrow, the St. Sebastian Parish School alumni newsletter, is now available online at stsebastian.org/school/alumni-newsletter. Check out these stories: School Achieves National Blue Ribbon School Status!...

Father's Bulletin Letter 10.29.23

Greetings, This weekend is Priesthood Sunday. We welcome home our own seminarian Mr. Christopher Villarreal who will be speaking at all of the Masses. Please keep all of our seminarians and those of the parish who are contemplating a...

Father's Bulletin Letter 10.22.23

Greetings, ALL HANDS-ON DECK! As you should be aware by now, a significant relic of St. Jude, patron saint of desperate causes, is coming to St. Sebastian on Thursday, November 2. We called the parish that had the relic this past week to...

An Evening of Haunting Music

Sunday, October 28  7:00PM
