Father's Bulletin Letter 12.29.2024

Dec 27, 2024

And blessings to you as we prepare to ring in the New Year! The New Year is traditionally a time when resolutions are made to make this year better than the last. In some ways, it is almost a kin to what we do as Catholics during Lent, setting out to make those advancements spiritually, mentally, and physically in order to be that better
man or woman that we wish to be. 

More than likely, each of us knows exactly where we need to improve. The hurdle is trying to take on theentire enterprise at once. Occasionally this is the best method but often it can snow one under and be discouraging. One method is not to strive to be perfect the day after New Year’s but to be 1% better in as many things as you can. 

What would a 1% improvement look like? How about listening to the Bible in a Year on the way into work instead of the news? How about taking the steps down instead of riding the elevator? What if just one surface of a messy room was conquered today? What if there was just a 1% improvement in listening, praying, working, smiling, patience, being kind, exercising. Then with that little effort there is a victory, something to celebrate and an incentive to do the same tomorrow. The amazing thing is how much 1% in everything adds up over time.

Perhaps this can be used as a build up to a Lenten resolution. If that resolution might look like not snacking, praying more, or having less screen time, it might be easier to ramp up to that commitment 1% at a time, in the meantime making the final hurdle, one that was prepared for and practiced.


HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION: New Year’s Day is a Holy Day of Obligation: The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.

Here is the Mass schedule for the holy day:

Tuesday, December 31

  • 7pm vigil

Wednesday, January 1

  • 9am
  • 7pm

NO ADORATION ON NEW YEAR’S EVE: Because of the holy day as well as the holiday, there will not be adoration on Tuesday, December 31. We already struggle to make sure that there are plenty of people on hand for adoration, particularly in the later afternoon hours. With the nature of this day interrupting the schedules of so many people, it is more of a challenge to make sure there are always adorers in the church. It seems safer to not leave the Blessed Sacrament exposed, although the church will be open if
you wish to come in and pray before the Lord Who is present in the tabernacle. 

NO CONFESSIONS THIS TUESDAY: Because of the Holy Day Mass, there will not be confessions this Tuesday at 7pm.

OFFICES ARE CLOSED: Your parish offices will be closed on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.

God bless,
Fr. Valencheck