Father's Bulletin Letter 12.8.2024

Dec 06, 2024

There is somewhat of an unexpected Holy Day of Obligation this week! Typically, when a holy day falls on a Saturday through Monday, the obligation to attend Mass is lifted. But it has recently been determined that since it is under her title of The Immaculate Conception that Mary is Patroness of the United States, that it will indeed be an obligatory
day on which to go to Mass. It is simply too important to let it slip by when our nation and culture so desperately needs prayer. Sundays in Advent take precedence, and since the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is actually on Sunday, December 8, it has been moved to Monday December 9.

Monday, December 9 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, and it is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Mass schedule for the Holy Day:

  • Sunday, December 8  - 7pm
  • Monday December 9 -  9 am and 7 pm


HEALING MASS THIS WEEKEND: There will be a Communal Anointing of the Sick following the 4:30pm Mass this weekend, December 7. Those who need to be anointed are asked to remain following Mass for this service. If you are not staying for the anointing, you may want to be careful about where you park so that you do not inadvertently get trapped in our parking lot.

Anointing of the Sick is intended for the onset of serious (though not necessarily grave) illness, for those of extreme old age and those preparing for surgery of any sort. One may also be anointed if one’s condition has worsened or if a person has recovered but is once again stricken.

ADVENT NEWS: It is the second week of Advent and here are some Advent Events for your consideration:

ORGAN RECITALS: We continue our Noon Advent Adoration Organ Recitals this week with Carolyn Hoff She is an organ scholar at Trinity Cathedral in Cleveland and studies organ performance at the Cleveland Institute of Music. The recitals take place during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament as an aid to your prayer and as such there is no applause or announcements. Each recital lasts in the vicinity of a half an hour. There will be one last recital next Tuesday.

ADVENT LESSONS AND CAROLS: On Sunday, December 15 at 4pm, our choir under the direction of Mr. David Uschold will be presenting a traditional advent afternoon of music and reflections in preparationfor the coming of Christ at Christmas. It is, of course, free and open to the public. This is an extra opportunity to get away from the hustle of shopping, cooking, wrapping, decorating and to get into the meaning of the season by entering into some mediation on why we do all of these things.

God bless,
Fr. Valencheck