Father's Bulletin Letter 3.16.2025

Mar 14, 2025

Our annual PARISH MISSION BEGINS THIS SUNDAY! The Most Rev. Michael G. Woost, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, will be the presenter and will offer
reflections on God’s promises to us for healing, peace, forgiveness, joy, salvation, and the fullness of life and love - in this life and the next! There will also be an opportunity to gain the Jubilee Year of “Pilgrims of Hope” plenary indulgence.

The Mission begins this Sunday, March 16 at 7pm and continues each night through Tuesday. The Mission is free and open to the public, so bring your friends. They don’t even have to be Catholic. While I encourage you to attend every night, please don’t think that if you cannot make a night that you shouldn’t come. Attend as many as you can. I look forward to seeing you there!


NO CONFESSIONS TUESDAY NIGHT: Because of the Lenten Mission, there will not be confessions on Tuesday night.

DIOCESAN NIGHT OF CONFESSIONS: There will be THREE HOURS of confession this Wednesday night, March 19 from 5pm - 8pm. Both Fr. Marcelli and I will be hearing confession that night and all the parishes in the diocese should be open with a confessor present this same night during those hours. There is no time like the present to get to confession, especially during the Lenten season!

WORK AROUND ST. SEBASTIAN SQUARE: One of the things that I love about our parish is our grand old buildings. One of the things that is challenging about our parish is our grand old buildings. Zwisler Hall, which is encroaching on a century of use, sustained some damage over the winter. You may have noticed some yellow tape on the Mull Avenue side of the building. A couple pieces of ornamental stone cracked over the winter and fell to the sidewalk. Repair work is already contracted, and we hope to have the front of the building restored in the early spring. This work will include fixing the stone as well as some tuck-pointing in masonry to help keep moister from seeping in again.

Those who have been in this parish for a while will remember when we had to do much the same thing with the school bell tower. Extensive stonework and tuck-pointing took place a number of years ago to help shore up the tower and keep it beautiful and secure for years to come.

The main floor hallway of the school has been a disappointment. A few years ago, we finally replaced the worn flooring with a bright, new floor. The flooring, intended for industrial areas, was thought to be able to hold up to the brutal wear of being in a school. When the first floor failed, the company replaced it under the warranty. Once again it is cracking and chipping. It just is not the right floor for our building. The floor will be replaced soon with carpet squares in a pattern that will pay some homage to the original floor pattern of tile.

God bless,
Fr. Valencheck