Father's Bulletin Letter 6.21.20

Greetings, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Thank you to all of our Dads and mentors who are more valuable in their role than they can ever imagine. Please say a prayer for them and for our future dads and mentors that we may build up our culture ever...

Theology on the Rocks for July

Please join us on Monday, July 20th at 7PM for Theology on the Rocks. This month's speaker will be Fr. Peter Bang, Parochial Vicar at St. Mary's Parish in Painesville. Fr. Bang will be speaking on, "Mass - the Sacred Mystery". Theology on...

Father's Bulletin Letter 6.14.20

Greetings, Do you want to know what is AWESOME?! Having a congregation that does not have the obligation to come to Mass but freely chooses to attend just the same despite a possible health threat. That is something worth celebrating. I...

Father's Bulletin Letter 6.7.20

Greetings, Although the Easter season has come to its completion, we are still wearing white this weekend and next. This weekend is Holy Trinity Sunday. The teaching of the Trinity is the core belief of our faith. There is no greater...

Congratulations Class of 2020

Congratulations to the St. Sebastian Parish School CLass of 2020. These students earned over $390,000 in scholarships and awards toward their high school education. These dollars were earned through high achieving scores on high school...

Father's Bulletin Letter 5.31

Greetings, Happy Pentecost Sunday! Welcome back to the public celebration of the Mass! It is so awesome to have the parish family together again! And, as the saying goes, no vacation goes unpunished. Well, we certainly were not on vacation...
