Father's Bulletin Letter 3.28.21
Mar 23, 2021
It is already Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday) which means we are ready to kick off Holy Week. Please pay extra close attention to the schedule this week as it changes dramatically. Here are a few things of which to be aware:
On Holy Tuesday, there will be a break in adoration between 2 and 4 o’clock. If this is your typical time to come to adoration or if you just wanted to be there at this time, you are still welcome to be in the church. Although the Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed, He continues to be present in the tabernacle. Adoration will begin again at 4 o’clock (or thereabouts) and continue the rest of the day as usual. During this time there will be a rehearsal and a Mass with some of the priests of the diocese.
Please check the Mass schedule for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday as those times will also be different. Easter Sunday will remain our usual Mass times.
BLESSING OF FOODS: Our annual Blessing of Foods will take place on Holy Saturday at 1PM. It will take place in the church. Please wear a mask.
OPERATION RICE BOWL: Please don’t forget to bring in your Operation Rice Bowls. You will find cardboard box receptacles for them on the church lobbies.
LETTER FROM OUR BISHOP: The priests of the diocese received a letter from our Bishop concerning Easter celebrations. It is thought that, as our numbers continue to increase, we should take extra cautions especially on this most Holy Day. To assist those wanting to return to Mass but for various reasons have not been able to do so due to COVID, he reminds us that the wearing of masks in church is mandatory except for those under the age of 2 or those who, for medical reasons, are not able. Please continue to sanitize your hands and do what you can to maintain some social distancing: ideally six feet.
Currently we are also asked to maintain the COVID regulations of not having standing water in the holy water fonts (no problem thanks to innovative parishioners!) limit processions in number of people, encourage singing only softly by those in masks, requesting Communion in the hand, omitting the sign of peace, and having Communion only under one species.
We are also encouraged to continue to live-stream our Masses and other activities, such as our recent Mission and our concert last Sunday. (These can still be found on our YouTube channel.) Thanks to all of our volunteers and donors, we will keep live-streaming at least until we get to be united under one roof once again (and for those who may not be able to attend in the future for other non-COVID related reasons!)
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck