Father's Bulletin Letter 6.7.20
Although the Easter season has come to its completion, we are still wearing white this weekend and next. This weekend is Holy Trinity Sunday. The teaching of the Trinity is the core belief of our faith. There is no greater...
Congratulations Class of 2020
Congratulations to the St. Sebastian Parish School CLass of 2020. These students earned over $390,000 in scholarships and awards toward their high school education. These dollars were earned through high achieving scores on high school...
Father's Bulletin Letter 5.31
Happy Pentecost Sunday! Welcome back to the public celebration of the Mass! It is so awesome to have the parish family together again! And, as the saying goes, no vacation goes unpunished. Well, we certainly were not on vacation...
Father's Bulletin Letter 5-24
Next Sunday we return to having public Sunday Masses. It is time. We owe God worship.
That being said, this does not mean that everything is going to be Okay. COVID-19 is still out there and even if we were able to hire an...
Theology on the Rocks June
Join us for Theology on the Rocks on Monday, June 15th at The Tangier - Bistro Bar. This month's speaker will be Fr. Valencheck and he will be speaking on "Getting It Rite: What we are actually doing at the Mass." The evening will begin at...
Father's Bulletin Letter 5.17.20
Last Sunday we received news of when we may return to the public celebration of the Mass. Next Monday, May 25th, the first public Mass will be held in church at 9:00am. There may be further plans for that day but as of this...