Father's Bulletin Letter 9.5.21

Greetings, Next Sunday begins our Annual Eucharistic Devotions! Following the 11:00am Mass on Sunday, September 12th, and continuing day and night through to Evening Prayer on September 14th, at 7:00pm, our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed...

Annual Eucharistic Devotion

Eucharistic Devotions begins following the 11AM Mass on September 12th and continuing day and night through closing ceremonies at 7PM on Tuesday, September 14th.  This means we need faithful St. Sebastianites to adopt hours around the...

Father's Bulletin Letter 8.29.31

Greetings, Next weekend, September 5th, will be our final Sunday Summer 7:00am Mass for the season. Thank you to everyone who helped make this Mass possible. Also, remember that the Thursday morning Mass has been permanently moved to 8:...

Adult Faith Formation

THIS PROGRAM HAS BEEN CANCELLED Adult Faith Formation Coming in the fall: The Domestic Church! At Baptism we vowed to raise our children in the faith and to become their primary educators for their religious formation. But many of us are...

8th Grade Mum Sale

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