Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Greetings, Every other year the priests of the Diocese of Cleveland have a three day convocation with our bishop. On the “off years” we have a single day of prayer and meetings. Monday is our day with the bishop and so Fr. Simone and I...

Parish Children's Choir

St. Sebastian will be redeveloping the parish children's choir. We will begin with children Kindergarten through 6th grade. Weekly practices will start on Wednesday, November 6th, from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the church. Our first singing at...

Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Greetings, A very sincere thank you to everyone who has committed to the increased offertory campaign. I remember 11 years ago when I came to St. Sebastian we were facing an operating deficit, creatively trying to figure out how to pay our...

Theology on the Rocks

Join us on Monday, October 21st for Theology on the Rocks. Keith Johnson will be speaking on "From Pentecostal Preacher to Catholic PCL: My Journey to the Catholic Faith. Your $10 admission includes appetizers and a cash bar will be...

Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Greetings, This week a few things will be happening at Mass: Firstly, it is time for our annual State of the Parish Address. You will find in your bulletin general information about the parish over the past year. If you have any questions...

Our Cornerstone in Action

Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted your Commitment Card to the church. We are so grateful for your generosity.  For those parishioners who have not yet had the opportunity to submit their card, a letter will be...
