School Wins Edison Award for Excellence in STEM Education

St. Sebastian School Receives Governor Thomas Edison Award for Third Year For the THIRD year in a row, St. Sebastian Parish School and 9 members from its teaching staff were awarded The Governor’s Thomas Edison Awards for Excellence in...

Annual Eucharistic Adoration

Our Annual Eucharistic Devotions begins on Sunday, September 13th after the 11:00am Sunday Mass and continuing day and night until Tuesday evening. Thank you to those who were able to adopt an hour. If you did not adopt an hour, come by at...

Father's Bulletin Letter 9.6.20

Greetings, This week I need someone like you to sign up for our annual Eucharistic Devotions. Our Eucharistic Devotions run from after the 11:00am Mass on Sunday, September 13th, through to Tuesday evening, September 15th. Two people are...

Young Adult Bible Study

Young Adult Bible Study Young adults of St. Sebastian Parish,  you are invited to join in a weekly Bible study! This study will be a time of fellowship and growing together in the written word of God. No supplemental materials are needed...

Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study St Sebastian Adult Bible Study is set to meet in Byrider Hall Room 2 beginning Monday, September 14th, at 7:00pm. If you need more information please call Lori Oakes at 330-861-6417. This Study has 7 sessions,...

Becoming Catholic Through RCIA

Becoming Catholic through R.C.I.A. To our Non-Catholic brothers and sisters, We are so thankful that you are here worshipping among us and spending time with our community. How has the Lord been moving your heart lately? Where is He...
