Father's Bulletin Letter 5.1.22

Apr 28, 2022


Welcome to those visiting the parish for the Couple’s Day Out, the Eucharistic Procession & Rosary, or those who are still in town for Easter Vacation. Blessings to you and your families!


NO CONFESSIONS THIS SATURDAY:  Due to the Couple’s Day Out event, there will not be confessions this Saturday.

THANK YOU & VOLUNTEER REQUESTS:  Thank you to the generous family that had our Paschal Candle stand repaired and replated as well as having our main Processional Cross and sanctuary flagpole holders (which were in terrible condition) also replated. Awesome!

Thank you also to our marvelous Grounds Crew for a great cleanup job this past Saturday. They could use help! Jobs range from weeding, planting and watering to trimming, edging and mulching. The Grounds Crew meets on Thursday mornings and for those who cannot make it during the week, the occasional Saturday morning. On Thursdays, just show up behind the school around 8:30am. For the Saturday schedule, please contact the rectory office.

The Cutting Garden, which supplies flowers for the sanctuary from summer through fall is also in need of volunteers. For more information, call or text Karen Spangler at 330-620-5849.

More of a Techie than a gardener? We could use a few more people to occasionally run our Mass streaming. Please call the rectory office to volunteer.

WELCOME TO:  Tiffany Croff, Kylissa Himes and Karen Mihalick, who were brought into the church at the Easter Vigil. And what a wonderful night it was. Please keep them in your prayers.

SURVEY:  For one more week we are conducting an online survey to do determine if there is need in our community or in the communities directly surrounding us, for a ministry for those young persons who have significant developmental challenges and who need access to the sacraments or their families who may be experiencing challenges getting to the sacraments themselves because the whole family is not accommodated well. The survey can be found in our online Angelus Letter that comes out on Thursdays. If you do not receive this letter and would like to fill out the survey or know of someone who might benefit from such a ministry, please contact Cathy Sivec in the parish offices at 330-836-2233 and she will make sure a link is sent to you.

PSR:  Thank you to our PSR catechists, principal and volunteers for your ministry and dedication to our youth. You are awesome! What would we do without you? Please say a prayer for these dedicated parishioners and I look forward to seeing all of our students at Mass over the summer.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck