Father's Bulletin Letter 1.21.24

Greetings, HAPPY SAINT SEBASTIAN DAY! This weekend we will be celebrating our patronal feast day. Please take a moment to thank our saint for all his care for us over this past year. May God continue to bless us through our remarkable...

Father's Bulletin Letter - 1.12.25

Greetings, As you come into church this weekend you will notice our Christmas decorations are still up. There is some debate about exactly when the Christmas season is over. If you are a merchant, it ended on the last day you were open...

Father's Bulletin Letter 1.14.24

Greetings, The makeup of the rectory is in flux at the moment. Our two seminarians, Christopher Villarreal and John Scantling will very soon be returning to their studies at the seminary. I would like to thank them for all the assistance...

Father's Bulletin Letter 1.7.24

Greetings,  If you have not had a chance to see it, there is a painting temporarily installed next to the St. Joseph statue in the front of the church. It depicts the Holy Family’s Flight Into Egypt. It was painted by the same gentlemen...

Feast Day Pasta Dinner

This event is almost sold out. Last day to purchase tickets is Tuesday, January 16th.
