Father's Bulletin Letter 7.14.23

Greetings, This August you will be asked to vote on ISSUE ONE that would change the ability to amend the Ohio Constitution from a simple majority to a two thirds majority (not unusual in our nation.) A simple majority opens our Ohio...

Father's Bulletin Letter 7.9.23

Greetings, If you are among those who are thinking, “Any minute now, I am going to start enjoying the summer,” realize that we are more than half way through our summer offerings. We have been burning quickly through our summer camps,...

St. Sebastian Alumni Arrow, Summer 2023

The Summer 2023 issue of Alumni Arrow, the St. Sebastian Parish School alumni newsletter, is now available online at stsebastian.org/school/alumni-newsletter. Check out these stories: Updated “Alumni Alley” Welcomes Visitors Class Notes:...

Father's Bulletin Letter 7.2.23

Greetings, Over the next few months you will be hearing a lot about an upcoming vote on an amendment to the Ohio Constitution. It was the topic of an all-day meeting that the priests of the diocese had with our bishop this past Friday. The...

Adult Faith Formation Survey

Please take a moment to fill out the Adult Faith Formation Survey.  Completed surveys can be emailed to Keith Johnson at johnsonk@stsebastian.org or dropped off at the rectory. 
