Father's Bulletin Letter 6.28.20

Jun 25, 2020


Today’s letter to you must come over a week in advance and so it is difficult to write to you as there are so many variables that can change our plans. Please check the Angelus Letter if you want more up-to-date information. If you do not receive these weekly updates, you many request one by calling the office and giving them your email address, simply call and ask for any updated information on Fridays during office hours, or come see the posted letter on the front doors of the church.


SATURDAY TIME CHANGE:  Next weekend is Independence Day. Please note that the Mass on July 4th will be at 9:00am as is our tradition. This may also mean that confessions may begin late this day.

ADORATION:  There is a sign up this week in the church for the possible restarting of our Tuesday Adoration. If there are a sufficient number of people to cover all of the hours, adoration will begin again on June 30th, following the 8:00am Mass and continuing until 8:00pm. Please do not sign up if you are concerned for health reasons. If we do not have a sufficient number of people, we will simply postpone for an additional month and try again. In the meantime, there is a holy hour beginning at 7:00pm with Exposition, a short Word Ceremony, Adoration, Compline and Benediction.

OUTDOOR MASS:  From the notices that we receive, this 11:00am Sunday outdoor option is greatly appreciated for health reasons. Of course, it is greatly dependent upon the weather and we have been blessed so far with phenomenal conditions. Eventually it will be too wet or too hot or too buggy. Keep an eye out for any change of location that may come as late as the Angelus Letter!

CONGRATULATIONS:  The last two weekends we have had First Communion Masses for those who chose to do so. In addition to those who have made their First Communions on their own earlier, there will be a yet to be determined date in the fall for those who will still be in need of reception. Please say a prayer for all of our First Communicants.

THANK YOU:  I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been so understanding during these challenging times. There are certainly strong positions all over the board (and I can’t believe how evenly spread it is!) We’ve attempted to provide as wide of an experience as we can (different degrees of separation in the church, outside Masses, live-streaming) and I hope you have found a way in which you feel comfortable still participating. Thank you for your words of support and understanding. You have been a blessing and please know that you are in my prayers.

PAINTING:  There is a new painting of St. Sebastian (that I commissioned and paid for) to represent this time. “St. Sebastian, Patron to Invoke During Times of Sickness and Pandemic.” It is not as “pretty” as other pairings of our saint, but the idea was to pay tribute not only to the reality of sickness and pandemic, but also to offer hope. (See the description that accompanies the painting.)  The painting serves both as a prayer for protection from health threats and a thanksgiving for all the helps he has given us during this time.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck