Father's Bulletin Letter 8.20.23
Aug 16, 2023
Joan of b’Arc and I were out of town this week. I took her to meet my sister and her family in upstate New York. I am planning to return in full swing beginning Sunday.
CYO RECAP: Here are some interesting statistics about St. Sebastian Parish sports from last year as shared with me from our newish AD Kevin Kindbom. 185 kids played under the St. Sebastian banner last year. We were 16th in the diocese in enrollment for boys and 32nd in enrollment for girls out of 84 active programs.
There are 15 sports across our eight-county diocese for which the diocese recognizes “championships”. St. Sebastian athletes won four of them! Here is a shout out to Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, 7th Grade Girls Basketball and Boys Track and Field!
I am also happy to report that there were zero conduct incidents that resulted in action among our adults. This is why we have the Catholic Youth Organization so that our kids are exposed to sportsmanship in a Christian atmosphere. Thank you to our athletic director, our coaches and volunteers, our athletes and their families for another great year. St. Sebastian, patron saint of athletes, pray for us!
CONSTRUCTION: The last report is that the bricks should be laid down on Monday! I am leaving town on Sunday so I won’t know if it has taken place or not. In any event, we are on the countdown to returning to normal and sooner rather than later. I look forward to having our street, sidewalks and general access back and I am sure you are too. Please pray for the workers!
EMAILS: A couple of times the workers accidentally cut the wires to the rectory through which we receive our emails and such. If one of us didn’t get back to you, you might want to try sending your message again!
TOR: Bishop Edward Malesic is speaking at Theology on the Rocks this coming Monday but don’t show up at the door without a ticket! They are being sold in advance only! Please reserve your seat by visiting one.bidpal.net/theologyontherocks/welcome or stop by the rectory with your check or cash to purchase your ticket.
SEMINARIANS: You may have noticed that there are few seminarians around. There are last minute get aways and then, just before I return, they all will leave for a required retreat. After that, they will all be ensconced at the seminary to begin their studies. Particularly, keep Christopher Villarreal and John Scantling from our parish in your prayers as they begin their first year of discernment. Also, remember Connor Trout who was in residence here toward the end of the summer. Ryan Arto, our intern, will be returning after his retreat and a week of classes.
OPEN HOUSE: There is an Open House for the school this Sunday! Welcome back students, parents, faculty and staff! You are awesome.
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck