Father's Bulletin Letter 9.10.23

Sep 07, 2023


Next week is our annual Eucharistic Devotions. Beginning following the 11am Mass, continuing all day and all night through Tuesday evening, our Eucharistic Lord will be exposed on our altar for praise and thanksgiving. We will need a couple of people to adopt each hour during that period in order to make sure someone is always present while our Lord is exposed on our altar. There are sign-up sheets on the communion rail in front of the Blessed Virgin Mary statue for you to sign your name saying that you will be present for that hour. If there is already a name or two taking up the space when you wanted to come and keep watch with the Lord, sign up anyway. Who knows if something will delay an adorer in attending and you will be there!


MULL AVENUE: It was with great rejoicing that we greeted the opening of Mull Avenue just two and a half hours before the Saturday vigil Mass this past weekend. What a beautiful roadway it is! It will be some time before the rest of the road, the landscaping and such are fnished, but at least now we have access and parking back! Let the news ring out!

Following the 4:30pm Mass, those who were able joined the closing procession that walked straight out the front doors and into the street. There we blessed the new roadway and prayed for the safety of travelers. Thank you to the mayor, the city and the workers for beautifying and making our street safer. Also, thank you to all of you who have been such troupers during this time.

STATUS ANIMARUM: This is almost the end of the information sent to the diocese for our “State of the Souls” report. Unfortunately, there is not a section in which we fll in all the volunteer hours that are put in for music, catechesis, sports, beautifying the property, assisting at Mass and so forth. Thank you to everybody who puts in so much time and efort to make our parish great. This place would not be what it is without you. One section is asking for some statistics about tithing practices that can be somewhat interesting. 705 adults donate to the parish on a weekly basis. 460 do so only once a month. 95 do so quarterly while 156 give a signifcant gif once a year. Thank you to all of you who donate to the parish. You keep the lights on, pay salaries, pay for song books, hosts and wine, allows us to pay our assessments and taxes, keep the lawn mowed and keep our utilities up to date, making it possible to do minor repairs to our buildings, subsidize our school and so much more. Thank you for your sacrifces that makes it easier to fulfll our main mission of spreading the Good News.

DIOCESAN EVENTS: For those who do not receive emails from the diocese, here are some of the events taking place that you might fnd interesting:

On October 22, Bishop Malesic will preside at Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist at 10:30am to celebrate the opening of the cathedral’s 175th Anniversary year.

R&R (RECEIVE AND REMAIN) Join us for R&R (formerly known as XLT) at the seminary. The event consists of a time of Adoration with praise and worship followed by Mass with the seminary community and pizza afer Mass. Each evening begins with adoration at 6:45pm, followed by Mass at 7:30pm in the Sacred Heart Chapel at the Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700 Euclid Avenue, Wicklife 44092. 440-943-7631 for more details. Upcoming 2023-2024 R&R Dates: 21 September 2023; 26 October 2023; 30 November 2023; 25 January 2024; 22 February 2024; 25 April 2024.

Family Day at the Seminary, November 12, 2023: Families are welcomed to Borromeo and Saint Mary Seminaries for a day of prayer and fellowship with our seminarians. The day will include Mass, Brunch, and seminary tours. Registration opens August 1, 2023 at clepriesthood.org.

Men & Women Discernment Groups: Groups for young men and women respectively that build community among discerners and gives them the opportunity to learn more about prayer, identity, and discernment. To join a discernment group call 440-943-7631 or visit us at clepriesthood.org.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck