Father's Bulletin Letter 9.24.23

Sep 21, 2023


CONGRATULATIONS to St. Sebastian Parish School for being named this past Tuesday by the U.S. Department of Education as a National Blue Ribbon School! According to the website, “The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups.

Every year the U. S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates great American schools, schools demonstrating that all students can achieve to high levels. The coveted National Blue Ribbon School Award afirms the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging and engaging content.”

This would be an incredible achievement any year, but what is particularly amazing is that our school earned this recognition as we came out of those terrible years of COVID, and shutdowns, rising to this achievement at a time when so many other fell behind due to an unfortunate loss of school time. I would like to thank, in particularly, Mr. Rohr for his strong and steady leadership, our amazing faculty who worked so hard and sacrifced so much in these dificult years, to our wonderful support staf who did all they could to make every school year seem as typical as possible, our incredibly talented students and their supportive families, and every member of the parish because without parish support, there would not be a school.

Tuesday, October 2 Bishop Malesic is coming to celebrate Mass with our students in recognition of this award. Our Mayor, Daniel Horrigan will also be there to present a proclamation to help us mark this occasion.

But that is not all. This past week we also found out that St. Sebastian Parish School has also received The Governor’s Thomas Edison Awards for Excellence in STEM Education and Student Research for the ffh year in a row. “First established in 1985, this award recognizes Ohio schools and teachers who stimulate scientifc student research and technological design and extend experiential opportunities beyond traditional classroom activities.”

Finally, last year our Center for Early Learning earned the “Best of the Best” designation in an Akron Beacon Journal pole. The children attending our school are receiving a quality, Catholic education from top to bottom. Congratulations to all of you.


BEAUTIFICATION AWARD: I am also happy to report that we have received three beautifcation awards from Keep Akron Beautiful for the church, rectory and school. To be recognized for this award, “a property must be litter free, well-maintained with fowers, shrubs and/or trees, free of weeds, and stand out from its surroundings." Thank you to our volunteer grounds and garden crews for your incredible work! You are amazing.

EUCHARISTIC DEVOTIONS RECAP: Thank you to everybody who helped pull of our Annual Eucharistic Devotions. It probably takes a lot more people and time than one might think to be able to have this three-day event. Also thank you to everybody who adopted an hour and those who just dropped by to pray, especially at the more dificult hours to cover.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck