Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck
Jan 09, 2020
Next weekend we celebrate our parish’s patronal feast day! St. Sebastian day is January 20th but we have permission to move our marking of this day to the weekend of the 18th and 19th in order that all St. Sebastianites will be able to celebrate.
ST. SEBASTIAN DAY POT LUCK: You are invited to our annual St. Sebastian Day Pot Luck dinner on Saturday, January 18th, immediately following the 4:30 Mass. Please see elsewhere in this bulletin for more details.
Men’s Breakfast: Saturday, January 18th, after the 8:00am Mass. Breakfast will be followed by discussion. Come and bring a friend. For more information contact Bert Brownfield at rbsdad@aol.com.
The Catholic Manhood Series is open to all men and begins on January 25th at 8:45 at Akron Family Restaurant. No registration required - just the price of your breakfast. The first talk is “Man’s Identity in Christ.” See elsewhere in bulletin for more details.
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Your parish is looking for a full time facilities manager. Please contact Milissa Smith, our business manager, for more details by calling the parish at 330-836-2233.
ANOINTING: Please keep in mind that danger of death has not been a requirement for Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites) since the Council of Trent (1545-1563). Putting off Anointing after the onset of a serious illness is unnecessary and unwise. Please be anointed sooner rather than later when a priest might not be available!
ADORATION: Adorers are needed on Tuesdays in the late afternoon. Generally from around 4:00pm to 6:00pm the ranks get a little short. Also, there is a group of people who attend funerals Masses to give support to our families. You get to pray and perform an act of charity! They generally sit about half way back on the left hand side of the aisle if you would like to join.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Renowned Catholic author and speaker Fr. Jacques Philippe will be coming to St. Sebastian on Sunday, February 16th. After speaking at our diocesan seminary he will come to give another presentation here for the Akron area. I am currently reading his book on prayer and highly recommend it especially if prayer doesn’t seem to be “working” for you.
TOT: Theology on Tap is taking a break for the month of January.
18 January - Men’s Breakfast
18 January - POT LUCK DINNER
20 January - Theology on the Rocks
25 January - Class: Man’s Identity in Christ
26 January - Catholic Schools Week
1 February - Night at the Races
2 February - Coffee House Concert Featuring Akron Symphony Gospel Choir
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck