Father's Bulletin Letter 4.14.24
Apr 09, 2024
This weekend is the ordination of transitional deacons at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. These are the men who, next year, will be ordained to the priesthood. Among the class this year is our very own intern, Mr. Ryan Arto! From this day forward and for the period of about a year he will be Deacon Ryan Arto.
You won’t see Deacon Arto this weekend, however. He is returning to his home parish of St. Francis de Sales in Portage Lakes to deacon the Masses there and celebrate with them. This coming weekend (April 20 and 21) he will return to St. Sebastian Parish to deacon the Masses here and celebrate with us. There will be a reception for him on Sunday, April 21 at noon in Zwisler Hall. This will be his final weekend with us so come and say thanks and encouragement.
I would like to thank Ryan for his year of service to the parish. It has been fun having his youth and energy around the rectory and the parish in general. I would also like to thank our Bishop Edward Malesic and the faculty of St. Mary Seminary for sending him here for a year of formation. Finally, thank you to everybody who worked closely with Ryan or encouraged and prayed for him during this time. You have helped form a fine young man who will serve as a priest to thousands over the course of his priesthood and service to the Diocese of Cleveland. Please keep him and all our seminarians and youth who are discerning in your prayers.
PARISH DIRECTORIES: The new parish directories are available at all the entrances of the church this weekend. Please consider taking just one per household.
SPECTACULAR: Next weekend is our SPECTACULAR! Gala. This is our largest school fundraiser of the year. The reason we are able to provide our students with a staunchly Catholic and National Blue Ribbon standard education in a well-tended to and safe environment is because people like you help fund this nearly 100-year-old institution through events such as the SPECTACULAR! Thank you and God bless and please pray for the mission of our school.
MUSICAL NOTES: Ms. Lynn Steward’s retirement day is quickly coming upon us. In a couple of weeks, we will be welcoming Mr. David Uschold as our new Director of Music. After an amazing Easter celebration, we look forward to Lynn’s final concert as Director of Music on May 19 at 7pm. It promises to be one of her finest ones yet! Mark your calendar now. The concert is free and open to the public. There will be a reception for Lynn following the concert, in Zwisler Hall.
TOR: Theology on the Rocks is coming up on Monday, April 15 with Fr. Ian Kelly who also served here at the parish over the course of a couple of years as a seminarian. See elsewhere in the bulletin for more details or call the office.
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck