Father's Bulletin Letter 5.5.24

May 02, 2024


Congratulations to our second graders who made their First Holy Communion this Saturday morning! Thank you to our catechists, teachers and volunteers and to our
parents who supported their child’s involvement in the program. Please say a prayer for our new communicants!


GLUTEN: Just a reminder for those who are gluten sensitive, we do have low gluten hosts available. Come to the sacristy at least 5 to 10 minutes before Mass to request one and make sure that you are in the priest celebrant’s line for Communion.

DEANERY: Currently the governance of our diocese is set up with districts but is about to change over to deaneries, a distinction written about in the Angelus Letter. There will be twelve deaneries across our eight counties. You pastor has been named Dean of Summit South. To that end, I am being called away for a meeting with our Bishop on Friday, May 10 to begin training. Fr. Popik will be covering Friday confessions in my absence. 

FR. BLAU O.P.: Starting next week you won’t see as many “Fr. V’s” after every Mass. Fr. Blau, the Dominican priest who gave our popular Lenten Mission this past year has graciously agreed to come spend a week here at St. Sebastian Parish and celebrate a few of the Masses both on the weekends and during the week! If you were one of the lucky people who enjoyed his Mission, keep an eye out on the Mass schedule to see which Masses he will be taking starting next week.

As you know, Fr. Bozek will be leaving us shortly to become the pastor of St. Barbara Parish after he returns from Poland. In the meantime, Cathy Sivec and I have been lining up priests to come help out at the parish. There are a number of days that I have been called away by the diocese or the seminary which was not a problem as long as Fr.
Bozek was here to fill in. And there is also the matter of my retreat and a little vacation. Some of the priests that you will see over the summer is Fr. Blau O.P., Fr. Bline, former pastor of St. Francis de Sales and currently the spiritual director of Borromeo Seminary, and Fr. Eric Garris, Vocations Director for our diocese. These are all priests that I am
excited to have here, and I think you will benefit from their presence tremendously. 

Just a reminder not to put off anointing until the last minute! It should be celebrated at the onset of serious illness (or before surgery.) Don’t run the risk of a priest not being available on short notice.

TREES: We will be losing a couple of our beautiful, grand trees this summer. If anybody would like to make a donation for replacement costs it would be appreciated.


DAVID USCHOLD: Everybody who attended Mass last weekend was able to hear our new Director of Music, Mr. David Uschold. I have been worried for some time about being able to fill Lynn Steward’s place at the bench. Once you’ve been so blessed, can you expect another? But I think we are in great hands!

LYNN STEWARD: Our official time with Lynn Steward is quickly coming to an end. Mark on your calendar Sunday, May 19 at 7pm for her final concert here as Director of Music. It promises to be a grand evening. Bring the whole family, your friends or just the person you saw walking along the street! Following, there will be a reception in
Monsignor Zwisler Hall.

ORDINATION: On Saturday, May 18 is Priesthood Ordination Day at our Cathedral beginning at 10am (Get there early). To be ordained this year is Deacon Michael Garvin, parishioner at St. Hilary and whose two brothers and their families attend here at St. Sebastian. Please pray for vocations!

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck