The St. Sebastian Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society is affiliated with other St. Vincent de Paul Parish Conferences within the Diocese of Cleveland and follows nationally written bylaws. The organization, composed of lay persons, is international in scope, was founded by Blessed Frederic Ozanum and follows a Vincentian service model. At St. Sebastian Parish, the Society serves needy persons who reside within the Parish’s boundaries and is supported by parishioner donations and poor box offerings. Members of the Society interview families/individuals who seek assistance in order to assess needs. The Society’s mission is to address emergency or immediate short-term needs. The type and level of assistance depends upon the circumstances. Types of assistance provided include, but are not limited to, a rent payment, a utility payment, a used appliance (such as a refrigerator, a stove, washers and dryers) and food in the form of gift cards redeemable at a local grocery store chain. The Society also refers persons needing furniture to the CORE furniture bank, which serves all of Summit County. Assistance provided to clients is tracked in a permanent database.
Members of the Society meet weekly in Byrider Hall for approximately 30-45 minutes on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m., at which time reports on client contacts and assistance are provided, new client assignments are distributed and other resources available to clients, as identified, are discussed. While individual members of the Society are not expected to attend each and every meeting, they are asked to prioritize attendance as much as possible, consistent with family and work obligations. Persons interested in becoming members of the Society and personally serving the needy within the Parish’s boundaries should contact the Parish Office, which will notify the Society’s president of that person’s interest.