Father's Bulletin Letter 10.20.2024

Oct 20, 2024


This weekend at each of the Masses you will hear the State of the Parish Report. The diocese requires us to give you an accounting of the financial health of the parish once a year. Over the past few weeks, you have read the statistics of the parish: numbers of people, sacraments celebrated and so forth. While our numbers trend positively, they tell little of the story about the heart of the parish in the same way that a positive report concerning your blood pressure and eyesight are helpful. They do not let anyone know about the state of your soul or how well you love.

What is not captured and written in these reports are those who come to pray before the Blessed Sacrament or are part of the 70 or so servers who help out at the Mass; those who volunteer to assist the poor in our area, maintain our grounds, take time out of their lives to catechize our children, run and maintain our live-streaming, head groups, volunteer at events, develop our festival, sing, usher, count the collection, read, act as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, chaperone student activities, bring Communion to those who are unable to be here, help out in the offices, show up to the soup kitchens and other activities for the poor, coach, head up scouts, lead prayer groups, donate in kind services, create flower arrangements for the sanctuary, trim the trees, serve on the various councils . . .

. . . and this is not even to mention the community involvement; those who do non-professional at home health care, serve on diocesan committees, support our seminarians, represent the parish at activities and become involved in worthwhile organizations because of your faith and the million other things that I have neglected to
mention. All of that indicates that, not only are our vital statistics doing well, but your heart and soul are also in the right place and doing well to the glory of God and the benefit of this community and all who surround us.
Keep this heart in good shape!


THEOLOGY ON THE ROCKS: I will be speaking at TOR this Monday, October 21 on Aggressively Passive Evangelization. This isn’t about knocking on doors and inviting people to Church, it is rather about getting rid of the unnecessary, annoying things that could get in the way of someone who is perhaps already looking at joining the Catholic Church.

CONVOCATION: Last week, Fr. Marcelli and I were with our bishops and most of the rest of the presbyterate of the Diocese of Cleveland for a few days of talks, prayer and fellowship which was held at Sawmill Creek. I am very grateful to the priests from the Apostles of Jesus who filled in for us while we were gone so that Mass could
continue to be celebrated.

At the convocation, Bishop Malesic called forth the twelve priests who he appointed as deans for the diocese. I was named Dean of Summit South. He blessed us before our brother priests and publicly formed the deaneries and named the deans. According to the diocesan website, “Each dean is charged with fostering accountability in
matters of parish governance and helping with the care and support of their brother priests and deacons. They will call together a deanery committee that consists of lay staff, clergy (active and retired), and religious, engaged in ministry in parishes and other ministries within the deanery. A deanery chair will be appointed to lead the process of developing and implementing a pastoral plan for each deanery.” Please keep all the men in these new roles in your prayers.

FREE PRAYER BOOK: Please pick up your free copy of “An Introduction to Prayer,” by Bishop Robert Barron located at all tables near the doors. Thank you John Martin for your generous donation to our parishioners!

God bless,

Father Valencheck