Father's Bulletin Letter 12.1.2024
Nov 26, 2024
Happy First Day of Advent! Today we begin anew our liturgical calendar. During the first part of advent the Church focuses on the Second Coming of Christ when He comes to fully establish the Kingdom of God. Then, beginning on December 17, when the Church begins using the “O Antiphons” during Vespers (Evening Prayer,) we turn our attention to the more imminent coming of Christ at Christmas.
Here are some events at the parish to assist you in your prayer during Advent:
TUESDAY ADORATION & ORGAN RECITALS: During Tuesday Adoration, we will have our annual Tuesday Noon Adoration and Organ Recitals. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on our altar as is done every Tuesday, but at noon, a local organist will play for about a half an hour or so to assist you in your prayer. Since the focus is on
exposition, there is no applause during these recitals until the very end. This Tuesday will be Mr. H. Dean Wagner (born 1961). He is a respected American composer of handbell and organ music. He has a Masters of Music degree in organ performance from the University of Akron and a Bachelor of Music Education from Cedarville University. He is the Director of Music for the First United Methodist Church of Cuyahoga Falls.
COMING CONCERT: Our Advent Lessons and Carols will be performed by the St. Sebastian Parish Choir under the direction of Mr. David Uschold on Sunday, December 15 at 4pm in the church.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK: There will be a service of Anointing of the Sick following the 4:30pm Mass next week, Saturday, December 7. The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is intended for those with serious but not necessarily grave conditions. It is also intended to be given at the onset of illness, not waiting until a situation has grown dire.
For those with serious illnesses of body or mind, who are facing surgery (there is no such thing as minor surgery - it’s like Minor Asia, there’s nothing minor about it,) or for those who are elderly and weakened but who do not have any notable illnesses, this sacrament is for you. Also, if you have already received an anointing for a condition and it has worsened, or if you have recovered and are stricken once again, please consider getting anointed.
NEW TREES: Thank you to those who have donated toward the replacement of some of the trees that we lost this past summer. Lucas Nursery delivered and planted some new trees for us. Most notable will be the three trees planted next to the church parking lot along Mull Avenue. As beautiful as the former trees were, we went with trees that would not drop red berries to land on your car and make walking treacherous in the spring. The new tress look as though they had always been there. Thank you again to our donors!
WE GIVE CATHOLIC: This Tuesday, December 3, is “We Give Catholic” Tuesday across northeast Ohio. St. Sebastian Parish is participating and the funds we raise are earmarked for sprucing up the Quiet Room and Brides’ Room in the church as well as adding a speaker in the narthex. If you can help out, be sure to participate this Tuesday!
See elsewhere in bulletin for details.
FOREST LODGE: If you haven’t already heard, the restoration of Forest Lodge is completed and it is back online for meetings and rentals. It has received new flooring, paint, wall repairs and a new ceiling. Call the rectory office for details and available rental dates.
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck