Weekly Letter from Fr. Valencheck

Oct 24, 2019


This coming Friday, November 1st we get to celebrate All Saints Day as a Holy Day of Obligation.  Please note the Mass schedule below:         

             Thursday, October 31st: 

                          7:00pm vigil

             Friday, November 1st:                  

                          9:00am with the school*

                          5:15pm Extraordinary Form (Latin)


*There is an additional celebration at the 9:00am Mass for the Holy Day on November 1st. To help mark the 90th anniversary of our parish school, following the celebration of the Mass, a statue of our parish patron, St. Sebastian will be carried in procession from the church to the school where it will be placed in the statue niche on the first floor of the school. The children of the school will say prayers that they composed and the statue will be blessed as we ask for his continued intercession of the parish and school.

The niche has just been repainted by our art teacher Elizabeth Aronhalt in preparation to receive our statue. The statue that is currently there will be moved up to the second floor and that statue of the Sacred Heart, which is far too small for the niche that it is in, will be placed in our beautiful library. The St. Sebastian statue is an early 19th century, wooden, French Gothic depiction of St. Sebastian that was found on Etsy believe it or not. It has been residing in the rectory dining room until we were ready to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the school.


CONCERT:  Here’s one to try not to miss! Mr. David Higgs will be performing on Sunday, November 3rd, at 7:00pm here, at St. Sebastian. One of America’s leading concert organists, David Higgs is also Chair of the Organ Department at the Eastman School of Music. He performs extensively throughout the United States and abroad. You can read extensively about him on line and find many YouTube videos if you would like to become more familiar with him. This is one of the more significant performances of this concert season. Bring your family and friends.

As is part of the Academy of Culture and Arts at St. Sebastian, besides providing our community with great performances, one of the goals of these concerts is to introduce children to great music and give their parents and grandparents an opportunity to teach their children how to attend concerts. Since we are able to provide most of these concerts for no more than a free will offering thanks in part to funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, parents and grandparents can attend these concerts and, if their charges have reached their limit of attention, can exit the concert quietly without the regret of the loss of the expensive ticket costs. If you are able, please take advantage of this opportunity to help our children grow in their appreciation of the true, good and beautiful.

EXPLORER DAYS:  Families interested in our day school can come to EXPLORER DAYS on Friday, November 8th, beginning at 8:15am. See elsewhere in the bulletin for more details.

THANK YOU!:  Thank you to everyone who have responded to the increased offertory campaign! You are so very awesome. The results so far are very positive. Thank you for putting us back on sure footing! God bless you. If you have not yet responded, please do so at your earliest convenience Please keep your parish in your prayers.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck