Join Fr. Anthony Simone on an inspirational pilgrimage to Italy to visit the homes of some of our most well-known saints. We invite you to join us on this journey to strengthen your faith through the intercession of saints!
Daily Mass will be part of the journey
We will visit Rome • Orvieto • Assisi • Lanciano • Loreto •
San Giovanni Rotondo • Pietrelcina • Monte Cassino.
Here are some highlights: In Rome, we will attend the morning audience with the Pope; spend time at St. Peter’s Basilica; Sistine Chapel; Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and Pantheon. We will travel to the beautiful countryside of Assisi and pray where St. Francis and St. Clare walked. We will visit the sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle and the Friary of Saint Padre Pio.
Trip Dates: April 17-27, 2021 (11 days)
Cost: $4099.00; Includes: Airfare, lodging, transportation, meals (except lunches), tour fees, and tips. Does not include travel insurance.
We will offer an informational meeting on Wednesday, March 4th in Zwisler Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Karen Koegle from Proximo Travel will be there to answer any questions and describe the details of the trip. All are welcome; we hope to see you there!
Please call Cathy or Harry Sivec for more information at 330-690-9235. To see more details, go to:
To register, please contact (508) 340-9370 or (440) 457-7033.