Father's Bulletin Letter 8.2.20
Jul 31, 2020
It is time to attempt the resumption of our Tuesday Adoration. As more people return to Mass, it seems fitting to return to this devotion needed now more than ever to help see us through the challenges of life. What we need are people to sign up for hours so that we can make sure that the Blessed Sacrament has at least two people in attendance before Him during adoration hours particularly during those difficult hours to fill at dinner time.
At the Virgin Mary statue on the altar rail, there will be sign up sheets to cover the hours. This is a weekly (not one time) obligation. If we have enough people sign up, we will resume adoration the week of the 10th. In the event that fear of the virus will not allow us to start up again, remember that the church is unlocked for your prayers just the same, that we will continue to have Tuesday night compline and benediction, and that an attempt will be made again in the future. Please give signing up some prayerful thought.
SEMINARIANS: We will be slowly losing our seminarians over the month of August as they return to the major seminary (St. Mary) and the minor seminary (St. Charles Borromeo). Were we not so incredibly fortunate to have them with us? What an absolute blessing! It would be difficult to overestimate how much they did for us from covering ministries, to working on our grounds and buildings, to helping keep community events going, to setting us up for live-streaming, to keeping me sane.
Now they are moving on to former duties and that means Fr. Anthony and I will need some extra help. Slowly we will be bringing back people for various ministries so that, when Ian, Cameron and Joe are gone, we can continue on smoothly. This is not a return to normal as we won’t be using as many ministers as we have in the past yet, but only so many as we can maintain our current sacramental practices until such time as mandates are lifted and we can make determinations as to what will return and when.
This would be a great time to extend your gratitude to these young men studying for the priesthood as they will be here for a couple of weeks yet. Give them a great St. Sebastian send off and keep them and all of our seminarians in your prayers.
ORDINATION: This Saturday, August 3rd, Deacon Joe Robinson (who did his internship at St. Sebastian) and his classmates are being ordained in a somewhat scaled back ceremony due to health mandates. But he is eager and chomping at the bit and would rather be ordained than wait until earthly celebrations can take place! Please keep (the almost) Fr. Joseph Robinson in your prayers!
THANK YOU!: Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who continues to support your parish, a vital source of hope and life in these dark times, with your prayers, volunteerism and resources! You are awesome!
God bless,
Fr. Valencheck