Family Last Name * Address * City, State & Zip * Emergency Contact Name * Relationship * Phone * Personal Info Title - None -Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.Dr.Other First Middle & Last Name * Nickname or Preferred Name * Maiden Name Birthdate * Home Phone * Cell Phone * Email * Alumni Status * Are you an alumni of St. Sebastian Parish School? - Select -YesNo Alumni Years Are you Catholic? * - Select -YesNo Baptized * - Select -YesNo Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * - Select -YesNo Religion, if not Catholic Church you currently attend Are you interested in becoming Catholic? * Yes No Marital Status * - Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedSeparatedEngaged Marriage sanctioned by the Catholic Church? * - Select -YesNo Wedding Date * Number of Marriages * - Select -OneTwoThree Job Title * Type of Work * Employer * Retired * - Select -YesNo Add a second person? - None -YesNo Person Two Info Title - None -Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.Dr.Other First Middle & Last Name * Nickname or Preferred Name * Maiden Name Birthdate * Home Phone * Cell Phone * Email * Alumni Status * - Select -YesNo Are you an alumni of St. Sebastian Parish School? Alumni Years Are you Catholic? * Yes No Baptized * - Select -YesNo Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * - Select -YesNo Religion, if not Catholic Church you currently attend Are you interested in becoming Catholic? * Yes No Marital Status * - Select -SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedSeparatedEngaged Marriage sanctioned by the Catholic Church? * - Select -YesNo Wedding Date * Number of Marriages * - Select -OneTwoThree Job Title * Type of Work * Employer * Retired * - Select -YesNo Child Info Number of Children in Home * - Select -NoneOneTwoThreeFourFive First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Baptized * - Select -YesNo Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * - Select -YesNo Present School * Second Child's First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Baptized * - Select -YesNo Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * Yes No Present School * Third Child's First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Baptized * Yes No Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * - Select -YesNo Present School * Fourth Child's First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Baptized * - Select -YesNo Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * - Select -YesNo Present School * Fifth Child's First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Baptized * - Select -YesNo Communion * - Select -YesNo Confirmed * - Select -YesNo Present School * Additional Info Other Adults in Home * - Select -NoneOneTwo Young Adults 21 and over living with their parents are encouraged to complete a separate Parish Registration Form. First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Relationship * Religion * Registered Here * - Select -YesNo Envelope * - Select -YesNo First Middle & Last Name * Birthdate * Relationship * Religion * Registered Here * - Select -YesNo Envelope * - Select -YesNo May we publish your address in the parish directory? * - Select -YesNo If anyone in your family is unable to attend Mass, the parish is happy to bring communion to the home, just contact the rectory, and we will set it up for you. Ministries St. Sebastian Parish offers a wide range of ministries and opportunities for worship. A complete list is available in our parish handbook as well as on this website. If you already know of any groups or ministries that you would like to join, please list them below, or contact the rectory at any time for more information.