Father's Bulletin Letter 1.30.22

Jan 25, 2022


This is being written to you on Monday morning from the living room of the rectory.  Our snow removal team worked late, late, late into the night last night to make sure that walk ways and parking lots around St. Sebastian Square were completely dug out and ready for morning Mass and school!  God bless them for their hard work.  (Funny how the worst of the snow fell exactly during our Sunday Mass times!  Between that and COVID always seeming to hit at Christmas and Easter, it is like Mother Nature has something against the faith!)  There were a couple of days it was a challenge to find anyplace to walk the dog outside, but this morning we were able to take a walk around the block with the snow “like a wall to our right and a wall to our left.”

On that note, I thought I would be writing to you to say that the gas line work appeared to be postponed.  But as I walked the dog, I saw trucks up the street at Schneider Park and a backhoe driving down the Mull.  I wonder what they consider bad enough weather not to work!?  At least it appears as though it will all be finished in time to make it a beautiful spring . . . until Mull Avenue begins to be dug up . . .


RECTORY OFFICE NEWS:  Cathy Sivec is back in the front office after needing to take a couple of weeks off.  Jennifer Jones held the fort by herself during this time, but now we are back and fully operational (as is Cathy’s knee!)

VACATION:  You may get tired of me for a spell.  Fr. Bozek is leaving on vacation on Sunday, February 6th for three weeks.  He will be returning to his home in Poland for a vacation.  There may be some priest guest appearances during this time.  Hopefully there will be some assistance with confessions (I hope) during this time but be prepared for long lines.  Father will be returning just in time for Ash Wednesday.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK!:  This coming week we will celebrate Catholic Schools Week!  From safety, to curriculum, to sacraments, to achievement and opportunity, to being able to talk about God & virtue, to being able to respond quickly at a subsidiarity level to situations such as COVID, we have so much to celebrate the gift of Catholic education to our Church and culture.  I would like to thank Mr. Rohr and his faculty and staff for all of their dedicated and superb work on behalf of our students and to all of you who help support Catholic education!

ACOLYTE:  This coming Friday, February 4th, several seminarians with whom you are familiar will be installed as acolytes.  The office of acolyte is not necessarily a step toward the priesthood, but a man must be installed as one before one may be ordained.  This gives him certain rights and responsibilities.  For example, he is given the ability to purify sacred vessels.  Congratulations and prayers go out to Charlie, Joseph and Cameron!  Please say a prayer for them.

God bless,

Fr. Valencheck