Father's Bulletin Letter 3.16.2025
Our annual PARISH MISSION BEGINS THIS SUNDAY! The Most Rev. Michael G. Woost, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland, will be the presenter and will offer
reflections on God’s promises to us for healing, peace,...
St. Sebastian Alumni Arrow, Winter 2025
The Winter 2025 issue of the St. Sebastian Parish
School Alumni Arrow is now available online at: stsebastian.org/school/alumni-newsletter
Featured stories:
• Alumni Contribute to Parish Archives
• Class of 2014 Reunion...
Lenten Domestic Church Challenge
This year, HASA is sponsoring the Lent Domestic Church Challenge, and all our families are encouraged to participate. Forms went home to students via Backpack Express.
CLICK HERE to download a PDF copy if needed.
Father's Bulletin Letter 3.9.2025
Congratulations! to all our confirmands who received the sacrament of Confirmation this past Friday night. His Excellency Bishop Woost was the celebrant marking his first visit to St. Sebastian since being named Auxiliary...
Father's Bulletin Letter 3.2.2025
This coming Wednesday, March 5, is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our season of Lent. For those who are able to make it, here is the Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule:
9:00am School Mass
7:00pm Evening Mass
Fasting &...
Father's Bulletin Letter 2.16.2025
Last Sunday I received a text from Mr. Rohr, principal of our parish school, that said, “Better news than the Super Bowl. St. Sebastian students did an outstanding job in the
Walsh Science Fair on Saturday!” Our students...