Father's Bulletin letter 7.24.22

Greetings, I have been out of town on my continuing education this past week. If you needed to be in touch with me, I recommend trying again now that I have returned! Next week Fr. Bozek will be leaving for his annual vacation. IN OTHER...

School's New Environmental Club

The students have been busy recycling this year and the parish school’s new Recycling Club, made up of over 50 students in grades kindergarten through seventh and led by the school’s technology teacher Miss Anne Riede have been learning so...

Father's Bulletin Letter 7.17.22

Greetings, Kenmore Construction is the company that has been selected to resurface Mull Avenue. The company subcontracted to lay the brick down is Vismeg Landscape. We had a meeting with them this past Monday to see about linking into this...

Father's Bulletin Letter 7.10.21

Greetings, I am writing to you from Bloomingdale, New York, where my sister lives up in the Adirondacks. It is Independence Day and quiet in the woods. I will see you this weekend however. I’ll be home for a week and then gone for one more...

St. Sebastian Alumni Arrow, Summer 2022

The Summer 2022 issue of Alumni Arrow, the St. Sebastian Parish School alumni newsletter, is now available online at: stsebastian.org/school/alumni-newsletter Featured stories: From the Forgotten Cabinet: Letters from Alumni Discovered in...
